What’s a romance book you barely remember—except for one random thing?
Is there a Reddit romance story you wish was a real book? Because I NEED this one.
Looking for Contemporary Romance Books with Unexpected Parenthood (Adoption, Abandoned Kids, Spontaneous Guardianship)
What is your age?
What’s the most noticeable mistake you’ve come across in a romance novel?
Can we talk about the lack of Sci-Fi Romance?
[WWTBC] Looking for a Dark Mafia Romance Book
Allow be to flex this accomplishment.
(WWTBC) Small Town, Fake Marriage, Dying Father, And Siblings
Small Town, Fake Marriage, Dying Father, And Siblings.
When you're a Mood Reader but you don't know what you're in the mood for
Which sub-genre or trope within romance is the hardest to find books of?
What is a romance book with a great cover but bad plot and a book with bad cover but amazing plot?
What’s your reading goal this year and how’s that going?
I have 1 extra ticket for Hadestown tomorrow 8PM, is anyone interested to watching it with me?
How to hide the cords?
Rain discovers her relationship with Sunny
Anyone else imagine the antarctica campaign like this?
Sunny after founding rain
Have you ever read a book where you hate most of the characters, but you just kept reading because of that one side character being the only saving grace?
Suggest me a book similar to “I Woke Up Like This” by Amy Lea
Yall Im tired of breaking brushes while detangling hair!! Do y’all have any good brush recommendations?
How can I use this product properly?
Suggest me a Book that has the feeling of the song “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix
Worst Broadway Show Titles?