What is your sign and what are you breaking down over atm? 😭
fk it I have to say it
Tell Me Your Opinions On This Picture
The most messed up part of this whole thing with the health care ceo guy getting killed is this is the most united America has felt since 9/11
How does everyone feel about having friends/not having friends?
Whats your moon sign and how often do you cry?
An explanation does not equal an apology
Leo’s, how can we stop performing and be normal people?
My sun and moon conversing
Gotta read smut but I wanna stop
I asked chatgpt what my emotional age is
How would you reply to this comment?
Hurt/Comfort fics w/o the comfort are infuriating.
how to not die of shame?
Pick your toast!
Saw someone with anti mentality in the wild!
the last thing you've written is now happening to you.
What's going on with readers entitlement
What are your fanfic unpopular opinions??
Asked if I was anorexic
Jealous of how much time I had during sick leave?
I'm surprised that people were actually being civil here
Do fictional ships have to be healthy?
What is one thing that makes someone unlikable to you?
what are your hobbies and what are your placements?