Canadian Imam Advocates For Forcing Women To Wear Hijab
How do I not look like im arab or muslim? Im not arab btw but people keep mistaking it for me and it kind of bothers me
Why religion seems sketchy to me. (Religion vs Science)
Why 99% of Muslims concerns are sexual?
Sadly I find religious parents (including mine) to be more neglectful..
Islam made me miserable
Mom constantly shouting at me, dad hitting me if i dont listen, pls read , need advice
Kids should not have phones under 12
if u could give a girl only one piece of advice what would it be?
my muslim teacher was weird to my female classmate
Life is better after I left Islam
parents never taught me my native language, i am so greatful. /srs
My question to the ex-muslims who left islam over 1yr + and more
my n-parents never taught me my native tongue, and im appreciating it now
I did it. I moved out.
you DO look ugly
My quran teacher is just worse of all
This thing blummin' finally sent it yet. Ratemefrickinteenrager
Convert to Christianity
What made you leave Islam?
This is really sickening.
What are the actions and thoughts that can turn a person (me) from a staunch believer into an unbeliever Muslim?