When you finally get out of range after that first date
Every single Democrat voted against No Tax on Tips and Overtime
This boy’s name is Josh..
Defense Secretary Hegseth rejects an “unqualified question” from a reporter
Switching it up from all of the Trump feasting
Smartass Slamming of the Hooters Young Ladies.
Emergency aid or political bailout?
A cool guide to how the GOP tax plan may affect you
wtf did this spider just do, why, and what was it?
I just don’t understand the logic
I'm a voice actor
Someone’s not having a good day
Bouncer took too much
LASIK eye surgery
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Trump: "Like on tractors that can handle anything from hurricanes to lightning to anything. They use magnets. It's a new theory -- magnets. They're gonna lift the planes up. And it doesn't work."
I know this may be hard to believe, but you can use this space to slow down, out of the way so traffic can keep flowing, before making a left turn. It’s really okay. Signal -> move over -> foot off gas and brake -> brake -> turn. Try it sometime!
Watch this move
Drift Sandscape
Police stops the fight using pepper spray
Finally finished the herringbone back splash! Took a lot longer than I thought it would, probably 40+ hours total. First tile install.