Six is so much worse.
Maybe an unpopulair opinion on the HBO show, but...
Is it worth to continue after season 3?
Words cannot describe how much I hate this man.
How should Charmed continue on?
Does anyone else think Faith and Glory would’ve hit it off?
Animated Potter
Do I drop out?
I regret going to college
Why do some profs do-take-home tests knowing students will cheat
Will Mikey Madison be our first ghostface to win an Oscar?
What's an opinion you kind of feel obligated to pushback against?
How was Giles able to afford his place after season 3?
What is your honest thoughts on Scream 4? Wes Craven’s last film.
Make the comments look like Anya's search history
Remaking the UPN Years
Crazy how most people don’t end up using their degree
At what point do you put your foot down and switch your major?
Why was Ellen Pompeo chosen as the actress to be the main character when she was the weakest actor of Magic.
Modern wizarding world.
Best stopping point in the series?
So do you think the fantastic beast series will continue?
How much should they power upgrade the vamps to appeal to younger viewers? If so, should Buffy be “upgraded”, as well?
(Spoilers) Chances for Cordelia Chase's Return