Buyer Asked if They Get a Refund Because The Shipping Was $4 Cheaper Than What They Paid
Would Americans be willing to pay high taxes like in Nordic countries to have great welfare benefits
No longer consider a cousin family.
Is melee + ranged build viable?
What are you playing currently?
just lost my virginity to someone i dont love
How am I supposed to play this game?
Serious question.. how are people affording rent?
Business days are not regular days
The single best amulet is one you find at the beginning of the game.
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Literal Steam Giftcard Nightmare
AITAH for calling the cops for my missing dad?.
Only 5%?
What would you call the Xbox handheld if you were given the opportunity to name it?
Why are GameStop employees generally viewed as weird losers with no-life?
Why do people stay in jobs they hate?
Update 14 drops TOMORROW!
AITB for Telling My Boyfriend His "Honesty" Is Just Rudeness?
AIO for this text conversation with my mom?
and THAT just killed my hype for it. Thanks, Activision
I just caught my husband having an affair. May be pregnant. What do I do now?
AITAH for not really caring that a girl I am talking to got assaulted
How does this game hold up compared to Outer Worlds?
Live the game. Only complaint: too easy!