Is the “Stuff your face” method a real thing?
Update: NFL shop sending wrong jersey
Was I sent the wrong jersey style?
Anyone stop struggling with ADF after completing their first fast?
Why was I given a 50k credit limit so early?
Midnight prowl
What age and year in did you hit 100k salary
What genre is this type of music?
Failed CISSP first attempt. How close do you think I was to passing?
/r/GYM Daily Simple Questions and Misc Discussion Thread - August 27, 2023
Stairclimber gets heart rate up fast but other exercises don’t?
Been a CISSP for almost a year, but feel like I can’t recall half the stuff I studied for
Are these calories too low or should I suck it up and stick to it?
What anime is in these screenshots?
Can someone help me identify an anime from a picture?
Healthy anxiety sucks. Since 2017 after I got my first Apple Watch with the ECG feature…
Can anyone help make a weekly caloric deficit or surplus shortcut?
Struggle with night eating and fasting ONLY when at home?
Has anyone found success after switching from calorie/macro tracking to intuitive eating?
Felt double/triple beats for about a minute soon after eating dinner
Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread
Looking for stairmaster guidance
Anyone else’s weight stall when eating low carb tortillas?
For those who passed the CISSP first, then took the CCSP. How long did it take to prepare?
Provisionally passed at 175/175