What tabs does Slushi have?
How Well Known Do You Think You Are In This Community
Any Theories/Headcanons/Ideas on how these two met before?
Part 3
Chee in a Bikini :3
What are they gonna do to hawt saus
What OMORI song is this?
Interesting Episode connection
This game's canonicity (Cont.)
What kind of Episodes would you prefer to see in the future?
The next Episode's gonna be the 500th.
Most confusing episode yet?
Ok so cheezborgor cannonicly has a kill count of 4
So, just right now Kyra announced that Chikn Nuggit was have a new posting schedule for shorts. New shorts will posted on Mondays and Fridays from now on. What do you guys think about this?
Say something nice about Soseki Natsume
Pick up lines (Dubbed, Original drawing by u/tamachu-i-guess)
Difficulty: 100,000 Picarats
But imagine Godzilla sody pop. That would be actually chaotic.
Christmas Chikn nuggit voting PT.8 (no video :( )
Sprout mole tennis gets real
Scrooge 2: The Saucy Reckoning
Pro Skater… With socks?
Cofi, Chee, and Iscream should form a gardening club or small meetup.
what soda type do you think sody would prefer?
what do you think their favorite ice cream flavor is?