Grocery store confrontation goes from bad to worse to almost deadly within a matter of seconds.
Who is a greedy streamer?
When nobody wants to play you...
W Nader
The PUNISHment. 🤣💀
Gift rating money grab!
Nader quits series after Zach’s top gifter talks about Naders kids
Zach Lewis’s racist chat
Anndd the series continues 😂
Want to know why Trey won't quit toxic 2s?
James Neese
Is there a reason he's not on TT anymore?
I'm desperate and full of regret.
Always Alone?
she didn’t want to do the dare or play the game and he literally forced her. Then she says “you don’t do ur dares” bc he doesn’t. He fakes them lol.
I think the whole rank should change up the dilemma of having setup series! Whatever happened to the old days of battling people without knowing what they expect to be gifted? I am talking about it in general.
The talk pt 2
Celina AGT audition
Cry baby
AITA for calling the police on my boyfriend after finding weird pictures of my 2.5 year old daughter on his phone?
The talk pt 1
Zach and ish
Poor Charlene 😱🫣
How is this ok?