Haa to bhai logo kaisi gyi aapki Holi ??
M24 | 53kg | 5'11 | Pure Veg | 2.5 months consistent
Intimate care guide for the girlies 🩷
Hukka pee lo tayi aalyo
Gonna be soon in hisar 19M. Wonna have a review on the city
Kis kis gelya hoya s nu btao rhh ??or k supna aara tha 😂😂
Girlfriend asking to marry very early (M25 and F25)
Do you guys remember this?
Study In Germany
Birthday gift suggestion
Boards just got over.... And this is what I get💔
Meri bhais mil gayi
Longest friendship of your ever have?? (Mine is 13+yrs…)
Movie night with my long distance gfff
What to do after buying new mobile.? Rituals after buying
Cuties together
Who loves Kadhi?
This is what I had today! What’s this called in your region?
OP ne khaya Aalo Chaat!
Does Antidepressent actually works?
Gave my Kulfi to them
M23, Going through a serious breakup, NO CAP!
Got inspiration from a meme shared earlier on this sub
Somebody said it aloud !