Will it ever get better ?
Girlfriend wants to travel; Am i in the wrong for feeling insecure?
Libido and endometriosis?
(25F) Trying to navigate sex life with low libido partner (28F)
Please help! Love life & intimacy
What are some positive signs to look out for? It's so easy to focus on the negative; I need help recognizing signs of improvement.
Please some advice
Low BMI folks’ experience with clinicians re: endo
My bestfriend and the love of my life deals with chronic depression. I do not know what to do or what they want? But its painful for me too.
Not sure if I can forgive her for years of rejection.
Struggling to accept my gf's past, how do you cope??
Coping with depressed partner
How frequently do you have sex in a committed relationship?
Worse during ovulation?
Wife to depressed to function.
How do you stay when nothing pulls you to? How do you rely on faint memories?
Compassion fatigue
I messed up
How to tell my partner I'm upset without making their depression worse.
Just So Confused and Don't Know What to Do
Need Help… M24 F22
Non existent sex life :,)
Progress? I'm not sure