What's the going rate for a 2022 Svart with under 2k miles?
it will take you 18.300 VR's to unlock all the new content added this season (guns + sights)
NGL, I miss that mode, if anyone even remembers it.
Why bank it was removed???
Has anyone had to deal with with “fantasizers” on dating apps?
I bought a way out and I can't find the friend pass
Mr. Peanut?
Think I can do it?
RIP bank it - do you think TDM will be better?
Moving advice from Alabama to Chicago>?
Au Cheval Wait on a Friday night?
History aside, what is your personal reason for unification?
This is the FULL 6-minute video of the Imperial Day Spa employees being bullied... It gets even WORSE...
Do you find someone more or less attractive depending on the pet(s) they have?
Do yall think Kanye is just trolling or what?
How people from 1st world country be miserable?
What is it ? Is that a rat ? Saw it at the river walk
For Asian bros, why is it that when I see a white woman with an Asian guy on IG feed, it's often a Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian woman?
Why does/did China love Buick so much?
Just got smacked in the back of the head by a group of high schoolers
Unpopular Opinion… I think the rent price should accompany the pictures
"I will be beating women off with a stick because I own a farm"
What do woman really expect from a guy
If You’re Crying About “No New Map”, Read This and Chill
when does this season end?