What's your favourite plugin?
Pornografia e Masturbação
Qual é uma palavra aleatória cuja pronúncia você gosta?
Maradona pixel art, what do you think?
I never thought I'd find CSS this rewarding. I think I've spent more time in vs code than actually writing notes in Obsidian at this point.
Things kids secretly observe.
Happy dad By Bluey's Sandwich 🍙,🇵🇭/Onipensai
Have you noticed that Paimon's hand is so big? Swore she had hands similar to Sayu's or like that
How do you deal with scanned notes? Do you know any tools that can help me?
What is the best method to extract annotations from scanned images?
How do I organize these scanned notes in Obsidian without getting lost in the process?
Someone put up an Obsidian flag in our school
Does the artist externalize his desires in his art?
Got a new shelf for the collection
Simple & Effective Task Management in Obsidian
Do you know of any internal or external tool in Obsidian that can organize notes into folders?
If there is a "horizon line" for the horizontal axe, then is there something equivalent for the vertical axis?
Where do you lie on this spectrum?
Why is this word order wrong? / Proč je tento slovosled nesprávný?
why are there few plugins for obsidian canvas?
How can I fix this mermaid diagram? Making it look like the representation on the mermaid website?
Vocês sentem arrepio ou calafrios ao tocarem em um objeto com uma textura incomum?