If President Trump, VP Vance, and SOTH Johnson all die in a freak accident, the US would have a president older than Elvis Presley
Gender X passports
If Chris Christie had been elected in 2012 would he have beaten Taft’s record as America’s fattest president
Why is this row only for status members?
Locked account
Why is my refund so low?
US Presidents Inauguration Suits from George Washington to Barack Obama
Why are we taught advanced concepts that only apply if you go to certain fields in U.S. High Schools?
Question about new passport and the executive order
I changed my gender marker on my passport last summer, is my passport now invalid?
Can I provide a photo of my passport?
My cat has lived in the Presidencies of 5 US Presidents
I just ate 5 guys for the first time
Change of Airport?
Is it too late to get a passport?
Where are you sitting?
When Southwest moves you to a connecting flight six hours later, but you land with plenty of time to make your original flight
Can a drivers license be used in place of a State ID?
Why did Biden continue to run for re-election in 2008 even after becoming Obama's running mate?
Can I apply for GE if I only want to go through the San Ysidro Sentri pedestrian crossing (Permanent resident)
Found wife’s forgotten and long lost 401k and can not believe the growth
Trumps Executive Order stating that there are only two sexes
Would you recommend me to stay with my regular brokerage account from Charles Schwab or open an IRA?
My friend threw away the Christmas gift I got him because he “already had the character”
The limousine JFK was shot in was used an additional 14 years.