Dipping my toes into solar power
Is it true that home appliances aren’t as reliable as they used to be?
If only Saturn has a ring, are the other planets all bachelors and spinsters?
Who writes this crap?
This new brewdog packaging is really bothering me.
Open Rotor UHB engines...are they basically just very high-tech turboprops?
Boeing MD-90 arrives in California for New Truss-Braced Wing Modification
Question re: parental controls on iPhones
What is that weird noise...?
IIWTL: I'd buy and fix up this Abandoned Desert Cliffside House. Maybe add some 21st Century Off-Grid improvements.
Do you recognize this pattern/art?
My undercounter spinner rack door won't close all the way...any advice?
Gavin Webber, a cheesemaking youtuber, got a cease and desist notice for making a Grana Padano style cheese because it infringed on its PDO and was seen as showing how to make counterfeit cheese...what?!