ПрезидентКА, премьер-министрША, директорША и иные феминитивы
Идиоматическое выражение - понятен ли смысл не носителям?
What kind of cars are on the road?
What do you call "bulge" in Russian?
Is there a cheap way to get to Russia?
Is this singer popular or famous in Russia? Olga Seryabkina/MOLLY
Can someone check the grammar and the handwriting as well
Did your high school have to train with rifles, if so what kind?
Do you know someone who smokes weed/how frowned upon is it?
My friends dropped a bunch of their last year project's snapshots. Meet the Eyes Scream!
What are your thoughts about people who totally abstain from alcohol?
What is the reaction in Russia about the whole Greenland drama?
Слово "сегодня" всегда должно произноситься через "в"?
Are rat bikes allowed here?
Which country would you return to at least once in your life, even if the vacation was exorbitantly expensive, and why?
Is my handwriting legible?
как бы вы перевели на английский, сохраняя «мемность» фразы?
Сны про 18+
Is this guy Popular in Russia?
Описание вымышленной компании
What's one flag you feel most people would/do hate, but that you love?
9 years ago I made this "Bicyles and similar cars" thing. I changed it a bit. Any ideas of what to change or add? I.e what type of bicycle has a sort of a car equivalent?
Russian Media - Hostile towards UK
Илья Мэддисон, Данила Поперечный и Александр Шпак попали под указ о «депортации нелегалов» из США. Популярные блогеры уже в ближайшее время могут быть выдворены cо страны вместе с сотнями других россиян, находящихся в депортационных лагерях.