How long should it take me to learn 90 degree hold
How long should it take me to learn a 90 degree hold.
The Ragnarok was just epilogue?
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Who comes out stronger after 10,000 years of training starting at the same lvl.
When daewi says moris power was almost back to what it was at ragnarok. Was he talking about jeabongchim 250,000 X mori or no jeabongchim mori
How come the armour suits stayed tattered and didn’t return to what they used to look like
Is it normal that I can tuck planche before a 90 degree hold? (I didn’t want to show a video of myself so I added cat)
How quickly does this mori beat end of ragnarok mori
Oraeguk Jin Mori vs Daewi Han. Who wins
When the holy grail was reactivated and Mori got his powers back, did he keep them after the holy grail broke or did they disappear along with the grail.
What happened to mori Jin when his powers were sealed in the holy grail
How strong was this Mori Jin compared to his ragnarok version