Shower Thought:
Consuming the Book of Mormon
What the correct response to this?
Looking for short books to beat reading slump
What’s the worst youth activity your ward put on?
When tall women hug someone significantly shorter, do you crouch down or just accept they are getting a face full of boobs?
What I wanted to make vs what I made
"The Lord will not give you more than you can bear" has got to be one of the biggest lies we've all heard
Someone died in the temple, sort of.
Was embarrassed, but not for long
The world is ending, and you get to choose the official theme song for the apocalypse. What’s playing?
You’re reincarnated as an animal. You get to choose which animal. What do you pick?
Unique but not weird girl names
What would you do? Cookie help
disabled in need of hobbies
Son asked for a Titanic cake for his birthday
Over sharing
I go to church and feel connected again
Three Nephites
Brag on your spouse!
How to deal with the hatred?
Getting in touch with old friends from the YSA
Most braindead thing you've seen/heard a TBM say or do.
How to not rely on constant stimulation?
HELP! Was there ever a cake so good you almost ate it in one setting?