Request: Anyone able to draw a Goliath in this art style?
This is what I want to replace HRRR
Couldn't iron man just blast Bruce in the head to force hulk out?
Universal released Epic Merch and told us to have at it!
In a much closer battle, Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges is your day 3 winner. For [Day 4] let's see what you all think of Pteranodon Flyers vs The Hogwarts Express
Stop consuming so much Epic Universe content.
Is there a lore reason Wolverines teeth are not Adamantium?
[iOS 18.4 DB1] Live Photos make moving Stickers
Atossa Therapeutics Announces Plans to Pursue Metastatic Breast Cancer Indication for (Z)-Endoxifen and Continued Engagement with FDA on Additional Indications
I didn't know a single thing about Runescape before I started playing
This could be exciting!! Ideas for a Wicked ride are being developed.
Is "you look cozy" an insult?
Fuck my ass. Literally. Please.
Imagine this. You open ASA. You click Join Game. A list of servers fill your screen. You click the “Favorites” filter and join one of your favorites because the filter exists and the favorites stay favorited. The year is 3225.
Just sleeping in the car
Some asshole spilt their drink in Hagrid's locker and didn't clean it up
Suggestion: let Ranger Boots die
anyone else here insanely good at reading from a really young age?
I was rewatching age of ultron and WHO IS THAT??
Would you guys support something like this for the future crystal isles vote? Dossier still wip
How much do you think it's gonna take for this thing to become the most annoying creature in the game
Do you think if Tobey Maguire's Spider-man went to the doctor, his identity would be revealed?
'03scape player as a teen, '25scape as a 30+ "adult"
Gilded Trophy space should let us mount Skotizo's feet and also add a right click option to lick them