Swimming Beaches-Melbourne to Brisbane
Millennial expressions you haven't heard in a while?
What would you show the most isolated tribe in the world?
What are some coastal regions that lack a beach culture?
What are some positives from George W. Bush’s Presidency?
What are “icks” guys have? Cliches on girls dating profiles??
Who didn't deserve the amount of hate they got?
Which large American city has the most and/or least cultural importance relative to its population?
What's your opinion on roundabouts?
Least hard photo of a president?
Liberals lose in culture wars because they scold instead of make fun
What's the least attractive female hobby?
Who's someone social media has told you to hate that you don't really understand the animosity towards?
Aftermath of Trump’s Inauguration Rally
Wtf, why are my eggs still so expensive????
Why do women wear revealing clothes, and why don't men wear revealing clothes?
How do you feel about Elon Musk's salutes during the inauguration?
Do embrace Xennial because you're an X who feels Millennial or vice versa?
What is the largest US city without a nickname?
What does this add?
Manhattan… the City of the Earth. Name your favorite NYC fact
Helen Georgia
Moscow, Russia
What are the most hostile cities you have been to?