Lf Fossil mons (or regional form shinies) Ft pics
Lf sword and shield shinies Ft pics and some galariam ponyta in go. (can trade in home, sword, and violet)
Holiday Giveaway - 95 shiny pokemon
Lf Offers Ft pics (can trade in home, sword, or violet)
Lf Offers ( I really like the pardox mons and fossil bois) willing to do multiple for shiny legends/Mythicals. Ft pics
Lf Shiny Nincada or offers, Ft in the pics. Can only trade on home right now
LF Shiny Tyrunt, Nincada or offers (willing to do 2 for 1 for shiny legends) FT everything pictured and some shiny galar ponytas, shiny Bounsweet from GO
Lf Shiny Tyrunt, or Offers. Ft in pictures. (Can trade in Home, Violet, and Sword)
All Destiny marked team for my wife and I (took forever and 4 photos too short to prove all of them have it)
Can you reset legendary down to level 5?
Rock Lobster to big
How did you accept having CRPS?
LF: Iron Boulder and shiny in last pic FT: GREAT ball Galarian articuno and more
LF: Offers
Lf offers Ft in pics
Lf: Shiny Offers, Ft: Below
FT: Pics LF: Shiny offers (see desc)
LF: shiny offers FT: pics
Give Away: Mythicals and Legendaries
FT pics LF in post
New update from my last post. Lf shiny offers, Articuno must be traded for another legend or myth Ft: pics
FT: Random shiny Legendary Pokemon(not pogo stamp) LF: ANY Genned/cloned/etc Mythicals
Lf Legendary Johto trio (cloned is fine, just needs to be transferable to home, low lvl appreciated) or offers. Ft in pics.