Does anyone else find it easier to treat es/est/etc.. followed by a word that starts with a consonant as a special case?
how low have they fallen
What is the unspoken truth about acquisitions?
How do y'all feel about the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Anyone who's older than 25 and still has social anxiety?
What Trump move would be definitive proof that we're in catastrophic territory?
24, haven't lost my virginity. Should I do it with a prostitute?
The cracks are starting to show in the Republican party
President Barack Obama with President Vladimir Putin at G20 Summit Hangzhou Sep. 2016
Do you think expo router is going to become the default way of routing in the future?
If you start a new expo project today, which routing option will you use?
Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson have been dead for a long time. Their bodies are being controlled as avatars by turkeys circling around their graves.
what Sam Harris is saying. credit: Tristan_Cleveland
credit: Tristan_Cleveland
Take Responsibility for Your Life, don't rely on Imaginary beings
Is there a library to detect offensive, harmful or NSFW content?
SF residents, do you feel a vibe shit towards the right?
Is anyone else who’s also a csmajor getting sick of seeing this stock api wrapper app
Главная опасность - муж дочкиной подруги
[part 3] I built an AI to do mock technical interviews with me because I didn’t have anyone to do it with
How long do you need to know your cofounder for?
Muhsin Hendricks, world’s ‘first openly gay imam’, shot dead in South Africa
Cross gender friendship around the world
День победы одного человека над всей армией Путина
В России приговорили к пожизненному заключению военного, который расстрелял своих командиров, собиравшихся отправить его в мясной штурм. Прежде чем его задержали, он успел убить 4 сослуживцев, включая 2-х офицеров. Наконец-то реальная денацификация!