Since God knows all things did God know Lucifer later called Satan would rebel against God and convince one third of the angels to join him in rebellion?
How Murray Franklin and the television audience have reacted if Arthur Fleck mentioned that Thomas Wayne was his biological father and denied it after his mother Penny Fleck told him the truth earlier?
Does Biff Tannen ever become a nice person after he was knocked out by George and reform himself or would he always be a nasty person?
What would happen to Saruman if he was put in chains and sent to Mordor after his defeat to allow him and Sauron to meet face to face as a measure of good faith?
Do you believe that the Blood Red full Moon was a prophetic event?
Why does Biff live with his grandmother instead of his parents?
What happens to Minas Morgul during the Fourth Age since in is basically intact but has a spooky aura because the Nazgul and Orcs lived there for so long?
How would the future have been affected if Biff and his gang had been killed or crippled after crashing into the Manure truck?
In Joker (2019 movie), what would happen to Arthur Fleck if he had killed or attacked Thomas Wayne inside the bathroom after being insulted and rejected by him?
Would The Children of Húrin Novel by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien be worth adapting as a tv movie or series?
How does Biff Tannen and his gang avoid getting arrested after going on a rampage and almost killing Marty and several people?
How would The Joker react if he met a Mafia boss like Lucky Luciano, Al Capone or Tony Montana who also had facial scars and would give more scars without being afraid of him?
Would Biff have beaten Marvin and his band if he was present?
Was Biff Tannen supposed to be a parody of Donald Trump or did Trump copy Biff and modeled himself after adult Biff?
Was Biff Tannen trying to rape Lorraine in the car before George McFly showed up?
Why didn't Alternate 1985 Biff have children with Lorraine?
Who was the Biker Club/Outlaw Motorcycle Club that was hired as extras in Part 2?
Ivan Drago after the events of Rocky 4.
In Back To The Future Part 3, why doesn't Doc Brown remember everything that happened to cause him to get stranded in 1885 or his younger selfs conversation with Marty and avoid being stranded?
Was lembas really that good?
How did Clint Eastwood feel about Marty calling himself Clint Eastwood and having Bufford Tannen saying,"What kind of stupid name is that?" as an homage to Clint?
When Marty was about to fight with Biff Tannen in Back To The Future who would have won if Marty wasn't knocked out by his alternate 1955 self?
How would Mulder and Scully feel about The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski if they across him or were assigned The Unabomber case?
Why does old Biff Tannen appear to be hurt when he returns from the past in 2015?
Did Doc Brown regret saving Clara Clayton and did he ever explain to her how he altered history after Marty told him about Clayton Ravine?