Casino Packs are Toxic. Pay2Win is the worst. This game has both.
What are best games that make you feel alone in the world?
I would love to see an elder scrolls 6 in my lifetime. I would just rather any Developer but Bethesda make it.
actually enjoyed the game
Season rewards
Turns out milestone Tifo’s weren’t a troll… any ideas why this is the new reward?
Is this SBC a joke for anyone else? Every single one to date has been no higher than two 84 rated players?
New to fut champs. How can someone leave at 0-0 and it not give me the win?
11-9 last week now 0-8 same matchmaking broken?
Can somebody explain FUT Champs/qualifying to me?
Which one is better striker to use and why?
Anyone else completed him? His gold was unstoppable, his POTM feels way worse for me. Old Gen btw?
Any good old gen custom tactics? Everything out there is for new gen.
Rewards are worse than ever.
evolutions is a poorly executed good concept
Budget players that are really good in game? Less than 20K? Less than 5K?
83 x 10 btw
All year I’ve not had much luck with forwards, only crazy defensive pulls. I’ve stopped playing, and in 1 night I’ve packed 10 mil in crazy forwards…
Don’t even play the game much anymore 😂 is this crazy rare?
Which Team? Both are how they’d play in game, and are 33 chem
Both had 91 Ederson, but he made 8 more saves… the script is reallll
Could this have been worse for 15 swaps? Please provide proof if so😂
Has the game became suddenly 10x more toxic?
Fifa not searching a game for anyone else?