What’s your favorite 1994 album? One from this Topster? Something else?
Which technical death metal band has the most albums?
What are the longest technical death metal songs in particular?
Technically engaging instrumental music like Vitrified Entity?
what are your opinions on these two albums?
Mørkønskė - Når hun sover [Black metal]
Які ваші політичні погляди? До якої ідеології ви віднесли б їх?
What's everyone's favourite Meshuggah album? Nothing for me and it's not even close, phenomenal album that I think about almost every single day 🤘🔥🤘🔥🤘
Recommend me some albums
Give me albums from your favorite subgenre(s)
Favorite opening track to an album?
Craziest tech death song you’ve ever heard
New to DnB
Best 3-song trio you play together.
What’s the heaviest metal band that you listen to?
Alrighty, R/MFTM what do you guys think is the most HEAVY song and or band
Rate My taste 1-10, and guess my age
Song Titles But They're Literal Opposite
Родинні діалектизми
Name an artist and I’ll tell you my top 3
Pick an album and I’ll tell you my favourite song
The link
Do you listen heavy metal when you like Death metal?
Favorite Canadian band / artist?