All Admirals push Kaido into his hybrid form
Why do people act like Zoro is stronger than Yamato?
I really disagree with the take that the Watchmen movie glorifies the characters
Kaido’s writing is the most underrated in the series.
Looking back WCI is such a perfect arc
Shanks vs Oden.
‘White genocide’ claimed by Elon Musk is imaginary, says South African court
Older YC1 vs younger YC1, who wins and what diff
Genuine question. What reason is there for shanks to be top 1.
Zoro vs Katakuri. Who actually wins?
How close is Current Zoro and Sanji vs Old Rayleigh and Gaban?
How do we go from a functioning grid to this overnight?
Strongest Pirate Crew Mihawk Can solo alone?
An old Gaban not using haki gave out a feat on par with ACOC + yonko level attacks
Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel will be in First Person
Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel will be in First Person. Job Listing reveals.
I think Loki is YK level and if you disagree then let's discuss
Daily reminder; Luffy fought a weakened kaido who just fought with 10+ people while holding up an island
This man was preaching but we didn't take him seriously...
Benn Beckmann vs prime Scopper Gaban?
Would Kaido lose this if he doesn't lock in from the start?
Rank these guys strongest to weakest
oda seems to kind hype zoro this arc, he going get some great feats and haki power up, end of elbaf zoro should be around old ray level or above, very close to admiral level (GB/FJ)
It's funny how people think Oda won't have Luffy use Gear 5 against Gaban yet they forget Luffy literally used Gear 5 PLUS a Conqueror's Haki infused attack on a random snake lmao:
What diff are they going to?