Think before you vote
What’s the best response to “I love you”?
Ever felt like you are older/younger than your self or parents well this is older than some of y’all on this subreddit including me.
Where would you rank Malcom in The Middle based on the best Family sitcoms?
I’m sorry I’m blowing up this subreddit but it’s so helpful. Has anyone ever finally had a prayer answered after years but still not have the feeling of “I understand why it was like this”?
Anybody know any good movies with revenge stories/ plots?
Somebody once told me that all the seemingly fun things we as believers can’t have in this world, are just consolation prizes for those who won’t make it to heaven. (Sexual freedom, money, fancy cars etc). Is that true or is it misinformed crap?
What do you think?
I just want to say how grateful and fulfilled I am on a childish level that I got to see another new Indiana Jones movie in my lifetime. Also, this movie is better than people give it credit for. How much can you possibly expect out of a canonically 70 years old Indiana Jones?
What's something incredibly stupid in an otherwise great movie you enjoyed?
What is the most f**ked up movie of all time?
Is there any evidence or scripture to support the theory that God is more likely to answer a prayer for someone else than one for yourself?
Who do I look like?
Do yall think dogs can actually understand intent and what we feel?
Does what someone done in their younger years define who they are as an adult?
Make this Rick Grimes Search History
Remind me again why we need them as fans?
What's an opinion of yours that you are usually on the opposite side of popular opinion??
Alright r/NASCAR, who’s your favorite start and park?
Hot-take Thursday! Rick should've been the villain of The Ones Who Live
Any way on making a tuba?
But you better take your hat off at the dinner table because that’s disrespectful
My second favorite comic book sequence, Rick confronts Dexter in the prison and... (vol. 3)
Which horror franchise do you think is the worst?
How cringe can one person be?