Are you ok?
Remote workers who don’t have to be glued to your monitors, what do you do?
DAE not know a damn thing about the grammies?
I was reading an article about how the younger generation doesn't find their work fulfilling and it got me thinking.
How the hell am I supposed to work full time, take care of my house, raise my kid, and have a relationship with my husband?
Cat Pee is driving me insane
What's the worst thing that's happened to you in a flight?
What was your biggest "This is not a phase, mom!" phase, how long did it last, and what brought you out of it?
DAE feel like they have to agree with older siblings because we are the youngest?
What is the most essential lesson you've taken away from a failed relationship?
Does anyone have the video of flyy saying he use to abuse his anxiety meds?
Worried about not having grandparents involved
Logitech to release “Spot” device that allows employers to invisibly track office employees
AITA for not allowing my children to call my mother “Honey”
Was the recent airline crash really caused by the changes to the FAA?
Does everyone use Chat GP?
Let's lobby for a 4 day work week!
DAE gets SUPER sleepy after they eat a meal?
DAE feel like you don’t know how to talk to kids?
How does anyone working 40-60 hours weeks (or more) not counting commute find the time & energy to pursue hobbies?
How often, if at all, did your parents apologize to you?
Website that shows separate ticket options for a route?
How do people decide they'll never want kids
Parents who work from home: do toddlers let you get at least 30 mins of work done at a time?