code and clp chud gayo
2nd Semester of College starts from Monday and....
Team for ultimate battle nita and royal mask
Which team of sync pairs to use for nita ultimate battle
How f*cked am I (Last year of college)
Btech Essentials IIITKottayam
Finished high score 228k
Whom to give move level candies
How Much Gem Do You Have Now?
Meta wise whom should I pull now
New daily scout banner dropped for beginning of september
Which is the best dragon damage dealer
Who would have the most added value for me: Lance or Lear
Super serious battle nita ultimate battle
Tomorrow we will have the ranked damage challenge event. Do we have infos about stages and rules yet?
You can get your referral gem today (I referred 2 ppl so I got 4k gems)
Which of the three Arc Pairs do you think are the best/worst, and why?
Gems count this month
Future arc pairs
Why do my predictions always loop around in the worst way possible?!
Oh no new banner type for them…
What pairs to use as someone struggling with Latias in the Legendary Gauntlet?
Random fun fact about Pokemas leading up to anniversary #2
Returning after a looong break, looking at my 5 stars, is there anything super important I've missed I should spend gems on?