Start teaching them early
Anyone else have a gang of Tuxies??
POV: Summarize your 1995 experience
I found this in the sand by a lake, in Tennessee and thought it was pretty
Chris Cornell from Soundgarden😩
Those with their fingers on the pulse of the market (traders, analysts etc), how will these tarrifs truly affect oil prices and O&G employment?
These are all colors that were discontinued in the 90s
Something I miss
No idea what the plan was
If orange cats share one brain cell, I'm pretty sure Tuxedos share two. Better odds but similar outcome!
What did they use to break my windows that gave it a line? What’s the reason someone would do this (I didn’t piss anyone off or interact with anyone other than at my 8-5 work, nothing was stolen, I park here from time to time)?
Black cats waiting to be auditioned for a horror film, 1961. Photograph by Ralph Crane.
What flavor of dysfunction are your parents? Any rare Xennials here with parents who are still married and actually happy?
High pressure incident
DEI affects Appalachia
How can I approach this - parent post
My husband built floating shelves with grow lights for some of my plants, and I painted a mural behind them
My son says everything has a 50/50 probability. How do I convince him otherwise when he says he's technically correct?
AIO My bf hurt me then apologising and promising not to do it again?
What does my dream fridge say about me?
This is extreme
Science is dangerous and racist
her rbf is STRONG
Ok Xennials, I wanna see your fur kids!
Rooster, 2 years old, died suddenly tonight