I watched as my husband was strapped to the electric chair for poisoning me.
"We decided to name the new virus after you."
What is your weekly alcohol consumption? Has it decreased as you get older?
What is the longest continuous break you're willing to take when working remotely?
“–shot that dumbass doctor because he tried to put me on meds again,” I said, laughter carrying through the woods.
I was gutted when my wife told me she was having an affair.
"Just try to enjoy your moment, and remember security will stop your ex before he can even get into the church" my Maid of Honor assured me.
I was hurt when I found-out that my husband, a lifelong Conservative Christian, had Grindr on his phone.
I ate my twin in our mother's womb.
Ever since my worthless son was fired and moved back in with us, all I hear from his room are gunshots from his stupid video games.
CMV: Canada is the Chinese version of Wyoming
My parents are always arguing in front of me, like they think I can't here them.
I've heard he's a great Hypnotist, and I should definitely book an appointment...
Stephen King novels aren't that good
My daughter and her friends all got their first piercings at the mall today.
SFAH: If cartoon physics worked in real life
As I lay on his bed, readying myself for a one night stand, something kept nagging the back of my mind.
Being inseparable since we were born, I instantly regretted angrily stabbing my twin to death.
I hate how controlling my best friend's parents are.
Me dijeron que este estadounidense me llevaría al otro lado de la frontera, pero sólo si leía las palabras en la tarjeta que me entregaron.
I started to feel uneasy about my new church when they had my baptism at midnight.
"That's technically not a sin, but you can't do that in heaven"
What alteration to pre-packaged food do you swear by?
We in the health insurance industry have decided to get rid of confusing coverage plans
First the floodlights turned on, showing the man running back to his car.