Car noob, looking for a car to buy 70 mile daily commute.
Might quit. Should I tell everyone?
Training your replacement?
Is it better to work 12hr shifts (no choosing of shifts) or jobs with 24/7 standby?
Working notice period sucks
Should I go to an interview with a company I read bad things about?
Is the job market truly that bad?
I’ve applied to so many jobs and have never been requested for an interview
I had to tell my manager I had a doctors apt, but I went to interview, and got the job on same day - urgent advice needed on how to hand in my notice
Verbal job offer - waiting on written one?
Interview when unwell
Working as a courier - help!
“Good rate of pay”
On PIP. What to do next?
What is the fairest way to split bills, mortgage etc as a couple?
Pandemic key workers
How the hell do you interview if you work all day
If you had £250k to buy a 2-bed as a boring remote worker, where would you live?
Tell me about the worst interview you’ve ever had
Am I crazy feeling bad for looking at other jobs?
Is it unprofessional to use all sick days?
Which car brands you would consider neither mainstream nor luxury, in between?
How bad is it to accept a job, then decline to start?
Indeed removed number of applicants?
Anyone else seeing low salary offers recently?