As a dumpee, have you reached out your ex? How did it go?
Running into your ex
Ring watch Draw
The smiths ‘the smyths’ tribute band
What avoidant think when You completely dissapear after discard...
Maybe Avoidants Are Not The Problem
Four years down the drain.
This video really helped me take the positives from my DA discard
Do avoidants ever own up to there mistakes?
What did they give you as reasons to end it?
Have u guys ever wondered ur ex wanted u back and is justa afraid to reach out
Has the breakup by an avoidant partner been the most painful breakup ever?
I'll call this a successful year
The Queen Is Dead - track sequencing
Lifespan of Reps
Anybody else’s exes never come back?
My ex contacted me after 2years of no contact
Did your DA ever apologize?
No contact is the only way forward
Do avoidants ever reach out?
How to accept not getting closure
Feeling dumb
Does anybody almost feel like surely they’ll come back because of the break up just made no sense?
[WTS][WW] Rolex Day-Date 36mm Blue Ombre BP