more dolls help plz
Is he turnipy enough for the turnip club?
Offical Hylics merch?
What can you infer about me?
“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.”
Christmas Giveaway
Obligatory stop 25 bandwagon/age guess game
Bad Partner
Am I considering AEMT too fast?
Am I overreacting to my partner?
Rise of the blind serpent.
Any leads on 9x18 threaded barrels for my Makarov?
AEMT Registry expectation
WAAAGH in Progress
Where can I get dismembered limbs and/or bone trophy bits?
Why did sevetar do what he did?
What would you recommend as a a starting unit to paint
[H] PayPal, $ [W] Orks (Trukks, Old Snikrot, Kommandos, etc) [Loc] TN, USA
If you could only choose one, what would it be?
My Night Lords Force So Far
Airbrush NL armor recipes?
Minka Lesk as Traitor Guard
Company failing to reimburse me for covered education costs
[H] $$$/Paypal [W] 30K/Night Lords/CSM [Loc] TN, USA