If only I had WW3
Is this happening to anyone else right now?
Crash out pull = Lucky pull
For all my fellow pay to win friends - should I spend gems on Mix Scout or hoard them?
Tech Select
Feels like this banner has higher rates… this is only first rotation…
Finally got Queen Liz
Finally beat Solis Nova
Most I’ve gotten in BR to date
Shion makes bird easy
Warning About Cheating and Stealing Accounts
Mix Scout Pity Select
Help me choose a costume pair
Elaine Or Chase?
Should I reset my account
I just came back to this game not long ago, recommend team to built or who to focus.
Has anyone actually pulled any arc pairs with out pity
Meta wise whom should I pull now
My Luck this Anni 😩
Please help me choose!! Been stuck on that screen since reset, unable to pick one.
Best of luck for everyone pulling for Hyper Beam™ on reset!
I need your luck guys.
Here’s how he can still win 😔