Drinking alcohol will i lose progress?
I am a big promoter of polygyny and practice it. AMA
Is 10k steps from walking just as good as 30 minutes of jogging/running on a treadmill for burning fat?
Thoughts on Creatine
Advise needed
What's your favorite film that centers around morally grey characters?
Calorie question
What's your salad hack?
M4F or Hotwife
Do overweight people gain muscle faster? Could doing OMAD and using fat stores serve as a caloric surplus?
Im a personal trainer AMA
Life is Pointless
Best way to increase pullups?
No libido & ED
How do I become parasympathetically dominant?
How much protein do I need?
How many carbs is too many?
Science behind times between meals eaten relating to health/digestion?
Radial nerve impingement
best exercises for the abs right above the belly button?
Fairlife protein shakes
Best MMA/boxing movies?
What is the cheapest protein?
Question about what’s one nutrition fact that completely changed the way you eat?