Student Loans: Aggressive Pay Off vs Let it Ride
Husband wants to go back to school to be a PA
Vascular Surgery interview
Is it true that PA school is not difficult in terms of content, but difficult in terms of the amount of information?
Please read this if you need encouragement for the PANCE
Fellowship open houses coming up
Medsurg = nursing home?
My friend wants to know if babies are real or not. Are they?
Mixed game group discord/GM
QQ w nut flush draw as bluff in SRP (PLO)
Bottom set facing pot on flop and turn
OMC pisses off whale; whale hasnt been back since
Redo Undergrad?
Should Applejacks cereal be considered only for babies?
(Xbox) bronze to silver (NA)(18+)
Anyone wanting to start a group to start playing R6
[xbox] [NA] just looking for some people to play with don’t really care what rank just tryna have fun
Xbox [NA] Central time zone, Silver, mic only
Anyone care to review pokernerve who has used it?
How to judge skill in a poker tournaments
Was this the only poker game running in the country last night? (Deadwood, South Dakota)
JJ close to ITM facing overbet flop shove
Turning QQ into a bluff on river
What's the worst call LIVE you have ever seen?