whats the lore behind lost sinner?
how hard would will unhollow vendric be?will he compare to gwyn?
i want to know your top 5 or top 10 bosses in dark souls 1 to 3
hairless gwyn is so cursed
whats the best fashionsouls in your opinion
how do you guys feel about the gutter nerf
dark lurker is peak
most optimal build for murakumo
o&s is confusing
dragon rider is hella nerfed
does upgrading armor work or is it a waste
why do people hate summons
i really like the little things that fromsoft adds for detail
The show goes on !!!
dark souls 2 is peak
black kinghts and the alonne knights death sound
royal soldier set is fire and people dont talk about it
will there be a dark souls 4
why is undeadburg so small
titanite demon can link the flame
why is blighttown so ass
NG+11 why not …. Flawless build :D . My back hurts
Smough's helm doesn't delete your character's hair.
If you could change or modify anyboss what would you do differently?