you buyin'?
Say here who your favorite champion is, and the community will tell which game you play the most besides league
You can block Mordekaiser ult with briar ult
Is it viable to invade as Briar? If so, how?
Is there a known try hard skin?
I love neeko mid sm
times change. you change. things can get better.
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Mods, Please look into User Flairs. Or at least set it so users edit their own if you don't mind.
Briar is a champion that can be taken into the lanes with some degree of success, top more than others, against certain match ups. If you were, for some reason, going take her Top or Mid lane, which champions would be more likely to ban or avoid?
Noxian Spy Neeko
Karlach romance quest
Can't escape The Abyss
Bald Neeko
Can I kill patchers before he tricks me? in the moment that he's trying to impersonate Siegward?
I need some help please
day 16 - fast food break
Wish Me Well
Dancer is a shit boss
What do my champions say about me?
Does anyone else think that a dark star neeko skin would've been better than cosplay?
Orbital Lazer on Neeko is not fair.
Mods here are chill ash
Girls are obbsessed with me over MS
Just got a wish