CD’s that pay all interest at maturity
I'm not antisocial
The last girl I loved ended up becoming a nun.
Where do math teachers go on vacation?
What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
Should I buy a used car or lease a new car?
A ghost goes into a bar. The bartender says…
What is the coolest animal in history?
I thought antacids were tasty
I don’t always change the subject.
What are some good banks for an HYSA?
To the man who invented the zero
Do people like me exist?
Why did the bicycle fall over?
Best cheap car that stands out
Two vultures are eating a dead clown. One turns to the other and says..
I wanted to like the new mailman
What is it called when you want to be famous without any of the recognition?
Why did the proton bring a friend to the bar?
Why do plants hate math?
**What do you call fake spaghetti?**
Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
You can win $1 million, but you have to find 1,000 random strangers(must be adult) in your country who never heard of the following things:
Why was there a tool in the work shop no one would use?