How can you get truly unlimited data in Canada?
I'm with Rogers for more data and I'm extremely happy! 😃❤️🎉
Thinking of Coming Back to Freedom – How’s 5G+?
Really impressed with the new reduced speeds!
Question regarding plans with roam beyond
How much are you guys currently paying for your phone plan? What does it include?
I've fully moved back to freedom! ❤️🎉🎊
Class action lawsuit for Rogers tablet scam
Is the freedom login down?
Excited to rejoin Freedom in the near future!
Major congestion at home last night
Extremely happy to be back on Freedom! ❤️🎉🎊
Vancouver - Kits
Decent Nationwide speeds in North Edmonton
Decent speeds on Band12 5G
Rogers just abruptly removed $30 of discounts from my monthly bill that had been put in place directly by a support agent when I upgraded my phones/plans in 2023...
Rogers 5G home internet speeds before 500gb and after
Wifi calling … provider does WHAT?
Is Rogers Throttling the towers speeds in Edmonton?
As of December 18th I've officially had my 5G internet at home for 2 months!
I've had 5G Home internet from Rogers for over a month! I'm very happy with it!
Every time I phone in Telus CSR’s give me 25 to 50 gb of extra data for free.
Baffled by 5G home internet
What the hell is this? Anyone else get this?
Rogers CCTS complaint, what should I Expect?