Phonics made my daughter realize she has a southern accent
What would you do if you found with a DNA test right now, your child was swapped at birth?
How to support my talkative child in the classroom
At what age did you have your only?
How to get my child better at sight words?
Do childfree people think people with kids are miserable?
How much does your Kinder know?
T-minus 10 days before “the end of the year” - is it gonna happen?
does anyone ever feel like theyve seen too much of his life
What was the best movie that came out the year you were born?
Uncommon baby girl names with a vintage feel?
Is this low-grade affluenza?
How The Penguin will end - HBO doing it again
Returning to school after pneumonia
Politics in the k classroom
Tim's departure from Insert Credit
She reads!!! It’s electrifying!!!
I’m not sure what to do
How many other parents on here don't have an iPad for their kids?
iPads at school
What were your favourite kindergarten memories when you were a child?
Mental load is exhausting
Sold a Story
Do any of you have aphantasia?
How often do you have sex?