Okay but seriously what the fuck was this episode
Me everytime I get my STD results back
We're going to have to protect this sub.
What are your hobbies and why they are important
Hello my brothers
Things we should talk about and acknowledge
Me and my son, 2006, 2016, 2021, 2023.
Fav episode "shit dammit dammit dammit were so f***in late!" (Other qoutes welcome)
Our people used to be so amazing 😥
I don't get it
Frank Ocean singing for his Alma Matter
Customer gets beat up for being a dick
Quest getting too easy
What was it thinking?
What is the best episode to convince someone of watching the show?
I (31m) ended up calling police on my gf (23F) cause she wouldn’t let me leave.
What do you call your partner?
Is this a bed bug?
This turtle had a huge worm infestation inside its head and got saved by a surgeon
I can’t do dating anymore, my heart hurts too much
IIL music that makes me feel like I've been stabbed in the heart...
Why do men hold onto women they don’t want a relationship with?
Help or Reassurance Needed
Creepy ex coworker randomly messaged me and wont stop, for context hes at least 60 I'm 24 and hes married
Girlfriend 31F and I 30M have been together for 6 years. Last weekend she gave her number away to other man. Read whole description