Class Opinions and Ideas
Barony Noob - Kiting Question
[tomt] song from 90s I think
[TOMT] Two mobile games I had on my dad's iPad as a kid.
Man spends his life searching for items when he gets arrested for violating a curfew he didn’t even know about
Raven for Milf, who is the Tomboy?
I just bought the game on a whim, gonna play it for the first time. I don't know anything about it, other than it's pretty and in space. What should I know?
Best movie from this company?
Who is your favorite fantasy author?
'Fess up, what weird names do you call them in your head?
What Characters Frequently Have Their Names Mispelled?
Is bowing degraded nowadays?
Need Help...
Why men don't exist -A Full Analysis
Anybody else think this outfit is pretty but still skipping it? It's gorgeous but I know I'll be able to get so many pulls on the next event with the diamonds from this event (which have more than doubled since this screenshot)
Pls help meeee
They really HAD to add this
Getting 6 bonds was harder than clearing the 30th level 😭
I was doing this forced perspective quest and I think this little guy wanted to say hi
To the Sky couple
I asked chat gpt to roast this sub
Is there a honk that we can’t equip? Sometimes strangers honk at me and I can’t find the exact honk in the menu. (I have all available honks). What’s special about that one is that it doesn’t change the pitch like the others, it stays the same.
I literally have no clue posted on discord with no context
Australian / International Xmas Humor: