Airbus A380-800 what am i doing wrong ? what are those alarms for ?
What is this plane should I be worried or is it just a practice
Same flight turned around on consecutive days
Loading up the 175 for a flight from LaGuardia to Dayton RPA4579 on VATSIM
Insane high altitude
What do we think about this A350 feature list?
Whats going on with this Russian Gulfstream?
anyone can tell me how is this plane going negative knots?
IFR=I Follow Roads
Super DC3 (r4d8) flying from Anchorage
My bitchass grandma just flew out the windshield for no reason smh
What kind of airbase
Finlands president Alexander Stubb flying from my home airport
What is that?
Does someone know what is going on? (over lower saxony, germany)
Spotted that the roof antennas and lights are off-center. Not sure if this is an issue with my flight simulator, but if not, then what purpose does it serve on the real aircraft?
Any reason for diversion?
Lost signal after 7700
What do you all think of this approach/landing?
Downloaded this app a week ago, am I addicted or is this nothing?
What is happening here?
“Runway 3-8, cleared touch and go”
any good cargo plane for x plane