Monica had a right to be mad
"You get me, you kill me!" What are your favourite one-liners on the show?
The Friends' middle names
Is this a greys storyline?
I think I'm nostalgic
Whether you like or dislike Joey and Rachel together, this scene in Barbados where she can't find him is hilarious
I loved Rory standing up to Christopher, Lorelai broke my heart, and Emily saying she hadn't done it made me laugh so much, I appreciated her in this scene
I was today years old when I found out the Catskills are a real place (I am not American)
I loved Joey and Rachel living together (second-best to Joey and the Chan Chan Man Era)
What‘s a hidden talent you could have liked to seen more in the show?
Wonder if Monica would approve of my seashell lamps?🤔🐚🐚
So who would actually win? Howdy or Doody?
anna undermining luke and lorelai’s engagement
They are so cute 🥰
I need him on my screen again :(
How will I ever take this man seriously? He's so goofy, I love him. Never change Benedict
Rose Weissman, I absolutely adore you, your comedic timing, and your impeccable sense of fashion
A turning point for Rose (love the Board scene)
Yes, yes you were my dear Edwina
FINALLY RECOVERED ALL MY POINTS (and automatically got the final prize because of how many had been lost lol)
Anna was such an ass in this plot
Who technically would you say won the Ross/Rachael breakup?
Your favourite scene from FRIENDS?
Lorelai and Rory were absolutely glowing in season 3