Forever WIP vest & jacket ready for 2025.
New technology
What is the golden age of Hearthstone for you ?
NW:A has been a lot of fun, but with no 'actual change'
For those of you who are wondering about endgame...
Why did AGS hide console exclusive servers?
‘Console only servers’
Console - What server type are you joining?
As a fellow console player, I think before you decide against cross-play, just remember a couple things!
Jotain positiivista uutista tähän synkkään syksyyn.
Sain viidennen lapsen pari päivää sitten, miksi sinä et hanki lapsia?
Cross Play or Console Exclusive Server
This video explains in a very clear way why target lock is horrible for PvP
Kuka osaa tulkita Rekry-puhetta? Voisko joku selventää mulle mitä tää tarkoittaa?
Why are ppl scared about FFA grouping?
Euribor 3kk vs. 12kk
Hey! Who are our console players?
I just want to say thank you to AGS
Lock On and other actions RPGs
I added up all my microtransactions from when i played Neverwinter
What PC players doesn't seem to understand regarding NW and console launch.
"Seven Tears Are Flowing To The River" →I'm new to black metal and was wondering: what's this subgenre called?
This is going into Early Access in like four days
Any console players playing crossplay servers?
Vakuutukset, mitä tarvitsen ja mitä en?