Gifts for my (Pelvic Floor) PT?
False lashes for my eye shape!
False lashes reccs for small hooded eyes?
Any Black non-believer organizations in the area???
Black Non-Believer Orgs in DC/DMV
Black Non-Believer organizations in DC/DMV
Any Black non-believer orgs in the DC/DMV area?
Caught my boyfriend (24M) of almost 5 years talking & going on dates with other women twice in 1 year. What to do? F22
He was engaged the whole time .
Extremely tight vagina
Always Pads 🙄🙄🙄
Getting Bullied in F45 Class: Help?
Always Pads
Tips for reducing tampon removal pain that are not talked about enough.
Maintaining Muscle during Weight Loss
Hershey's Cookies 'n' Mint Chocolate Bar
Women who lost huge amounts of weight while struggling with PCOS, please share your story!
How is everybody losing weight without ozempic?
Are they still on TikTok?
He’s not Uncle Joey
My Chipotle never disappoints to the point where I can order delivery and not worry about a skimpy bowl…I WON
Kinky Straight Sew In - Leave out or Closure?
Poor kitty! Big tits and his nasty dirty nails.😾