Client found a wolfy looking dog and has now adopted them. Waiting on DNA. What’s your guess - Wolfy or not?
Name recommendations for rescue shepherd?
Had a roach baked on my pizza
Anybody recognize this type of behavior? My vets and I are at a loss:/
Can anyone help ID? My sister rescued this fluff ball a few months ago
what breed can my dog pass as? apartment things… iykyk
I might have to have my foster baby behaviorally euthanized and I'm a wreck
To coat or not to coat?
How long did it take you to do a full home remodel? What did you sub and what did you do yourself?
Good value or am I missing something?
Is a fee for "wellness check" on top of a visit for a vaccine the new normal?
Just wondering how you guys would have replied to these texts
It’s a… ballon!?
Dog breeds to avoid?
How close to home do you accept bookings?
Adopted a kitten today, have some concerns
Color barely noticeable and I spent over $250. Help!
Well man am I late to the party and quite shocked!
How long do you wear a bra before you wash it?
Replacement shower door/wall help?!
What random thing did you not realize you didn’t socialize your puppy for until they became older?
are there certain breeds/fur types that you won’t host/board anymore?
Cricut issues… Print then cut freezing??
Why did you back out of that one house you put an offer in?
Homeowners - if someone offered you 2x or even 3x your homes value even if you still lived in it, would you sell?