Persia/Iran 1885-1904 pls help
Catalog vs Market Value (Germany/Deutches Reich)
1859 Sewera, Prague
Piatnik Wahrsagekarten c1900, Prague
Please help ID - pre 1900 (?)
A Boman, Kille cards c1900(?)
Vintage/antique 2024 #BrickPick
Piatnik Lenormand c1910
Rate of quitting question
5mg stopped working after two months
Please help ID
Please help identify
Please help ID: mid-19th century UK hand colored cards (?)
Stralsund Museum 1984 replica of 1820 (1900) VSS Kartenspiel
Altenburg SA (VSS/ASS) Saxon Pattern 32 cards
F. A. Lattmann, Goslar, Prussian Patter & Harz Mountains
Piatnik Vienna 1923 Miniatures #141
Indonesian swords: pls help ID
Old swords from Indonesia (?) - Please ID
how do i know when i should up my dose
Extremely Energetic
ssri question
Is CRO dead ?
Will June get her daughter back?
From a brilliant dystopian fiction to MacGyver